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BM.CRS.Baidu : BM.CRS.EPSG3857; geo && geo.remove(), geo = null; map.remove(); map ='map', 'bigemap.{id}'.replace('{id}', $(this).data('type')), { crs, center: [30.66, 104.001], zoom: 15, preferCanvas: true, zoomControl: true }); if (cacheData) { geo = BM.geoJSON(cacheData, { style: function (feature) {} }).bindPopup(function (layer) { return `<div><h4>${}</h4> <p>${}</p></div>` }).addTo(map); map.fitBounds(geo.getBounds()); } }); var blob, href, geo, cacheData, geo_copy; var bdcj = { features: [], type: "FeatureCollection" }, cjbd = { features: [], type: "FeatureCollection" }; var filename; var ccdata $('#upload').on('change', function () { var file = this.files[0]; var extension ='.'); filename = extension[0]; extension = extension.pop(); if (extension !== 'kml' && extension !== 'json'&&extension !== 'geojson') { alert('只能是KML或json格式'); return; } var reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsText(file); reader.onload = function () { var dom, geojsonFeature ; if (extension == 'kml') { dom = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(this.result, 'text/xml'); geojsonFeature = toGeoJSON.kml(dom); }else{ geojsonFeature=JSON.parse(this.result) } cacheData = geojsonFeature; geo && geo.remove(); geo = BM.geoJSON(geojsonFeature, { style: function (feature) {}, }).bindPopup(function (layer) { return `<div><h4>${}</h4> <p>${}</p></div>` }).addTo(map); map.fitBounds(geo.getBounds()); } }); $('#satellite').on('click', function () { //显示上传 $('#upload').click(); }); $('#export').click(function () { $('#checkExport').show(); }) $('#checkExport>button').click(function () { $('#from').val(''); $('#to').val(''); $('#form').val(''); $('#checkExport').hide(); }) $('#checkExport>a').click(function () { let from = $('#from').val(); //从 let to = $('#to').val(); //到 let form = $('#form').val(); //格式 if (from && to && form && geo) { let fn if (from == to) { fn = (lat, lng) => { return [lat, lng] } transform(fn); } else { if (from == 'WGS84') { if (to == 'Gcj-02') { fn = wgs84togcj02; transform(fn); } else { fn = (lat, lng) => { return gcj02tobd09(...wgs84togcj02(lat, lng)) } transform(fn); } } else if (from == 'Gcj-02') { if (to == 'WGS84') { fn = gcj02towgs84 transform(fn); } else { fn = gcj02tobd09 transform(fn); } } else { if (to == 'WGS84') { fn = (lat, lng) => { return gcj02towgs84(...bd09togcj02(lat, lng)) } transform(fn); } else { fn = bd09togcj02 transform(fn); } } } $('#checkExport>button').click(); //清空选项 if (form == 'kml') { var blob = new Blob([tokml(geo1.toGeoJSON())]); var href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); $('#download').prop('href', href); $('#download').prop('download', `${filename}.kml`); document.querySelector('#download').click(); } else { var blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(geo1.toGeoJSON())]); var href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); $('#download').prop('href', href); $('#download').prop('download', `${filename}.geojson`); document.querySelector('#download').click(); } } else { alert('巧妇难为无米之炊哦,把数据和选项整好再点呗') } }) function transform(fn) { geo1 = BM.geoJSON(cacheData, { coordsToLatLng(feature, index) { let latlng = fn(feature[1], feature[0]); return BM.latLng(latlng[0], latlng[1]); } }) } </script> </body> </html>